Source code for utensil.loopflow.functions.basic

"""**Provide NodeProcessFunction for basic usage.**


.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python

    from utensil.loopflow.functions import basic
    from utensil.loopflow.loopflow import register_node_process_functions
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any

from utensil.loopflow.loopflow import NodeProcessFunction

class _MISSING:

"""Missing token.

Used to indicate a missing value.

[docs]class Dummy(NodeProcessFunction): """Identical function. Returns whatever it get. >>> Dummy().main('anything') 'anything' """
[docs] def main(self, a: Any = MISSING): return a
[docs]class Default(NodeProcessFunction): """Implements a default behavior. Return a default value if triggered before getting anything. Attributes: default: the default value. >>> default = Default('my_default') This will return the input. >>> default.main('my_input') 'my_input' This will return the default value. >>> default.main() 'my_default' """ def __init__(self, default): super().__init__() self.default = default
[docs] def main(self, o: Any = MISSING): if o is MISSING: return self.default return o
[docs]class Add(NodeProcessFunction): """Add a predefined constant, i.e., ``n+a``. Attributes: a: the constant value to be added. >>> p = Add(3) >>> p.main(5) 8 >>> p.main(9) 12 """ def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a
[docs] def main(self, n): """ Args: n: value to be added with ``a``. Returns: ``n+a``. """ return n + self.a
ConditionValue = namedtuple("ConditionValue", ("c", "v")) """A pair of a boolean and a value for flow control. Attributes: c: a boolean value indicating if condition is passed. v: the value to be used. """
[docs]class LessEqual(NodeProcessFunction): """Check is less than or equal to a constant, i.e., ``b <= a``. Attributes: a: the constant value to be compared with. >>> LessEqual(3).main(3) ConditionValue(c=True, v=3) >>> LessEqual(5).main(10) ConditionValue(c=False, v=10) """ def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a
[docs] def main(self, b) -> ConditionValue: """ Args: b: value to be compared with ``a``. Returns: a :class:`.ConditionValue`, with ``c`` is True if ``b <= a``, and ``v`` is ``b``. """ return ConditionValue(b <= self.a, b)
[docs]class Equal(NodeProcessFunction): """Check is equal to a constant, i.e., ``b == a``. Attributes: a: the constant value to be compared with. >>> Equal(3).main(3) ConditionValue(c=True, v=3) >>> Equal(5).main(10) ConditionValue(c=False, v=10) """ def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a
[docs] def main(self, b) -> ConditionValue: """ Args: b: value to be compared with ``a``. Returns: a :class:`.ConditionValue`, with ``c`` is True if ``b == a``, and ``v`` is ``b``. """ return ConditionValue(b == self.a, b)
[docs]class GreaterEqual(NodeProcessFunction): """Check is greater than or equal to a constant, i.e., ``b >= a``. Attributes: a: the constant value to be compared with. >>> GreaterEqual(3).main(3) ConditionValue(c=True, v=3) >>> GreaterEqual(15).main(10) ConditionValue(c=False, v=10) """ def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a
[docs] def main(self, b) -> ConditionValue: """ Args: b: value to be compared with ``a``. Returns: a :class:`.ConditionValue`, with ``c`` is True if ``b >= a``, and ``v`` is ``b``. """ return ConditionValue(b >= self.a, b)
[docs]class LessThan(NodeProcessFunction): """Check is less than a constant, i.e., ``b < a``. Attributes: a: the constant value to be compared with. >>> LessThan(3).main(3) ConditionValue(c=False, v=3) >>> LessThan(15).main(10) ConditionValue(c=True, v=10) """ def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a
[docs] def main(self, b) -> ConditionValue: """ Args: b: value to be compared with ``a``. Returns: a :class:`.ConditionValue`, with ``c`` is True if ``b < a``, and ``v`` is ``b``. """ return ConditionValue(b < self.a, b)
[docs]class GreaterThan(NodeProcessFunction): """Check is greater than a constant, i.e., ``b > a``. Attributes: a: the constant value to be compared with. >>> GreaterThan(3).main(3) ConditionValue(c=False, v=3) >>> GreaterThan(5).main(10) ConditionValue(c=True, v=10) """ def __init__(self, a): super().__init__() self.a = a
[docs] def main(self, b) -> ConditionValue: """ Args: b: value to be compared with ``a``. Returns: a :class:`.ConditionValue`, with ``c`` is True if ``b > a``, and ``v`` is ``b``. """ return ConditionValue(b > self.a, b)