Source code for utensil.loopflow.functions.dataflow

"""**Provide NodeProcessFunction for machine learning work flows.**


.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python

    from utensil.loopflow.functions import dataflow
    from utensil.loopflow.loopflow import register_node_process_functions

from __future__ import annotations

import os.path
import tempfile
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import requests
import urllib3

from utensil import get_logger
from utensil.general import warn_left_keys
from utensil.loopflow.functions.basic import MISSING
from utensil.loopflow.loopflow import NodeProcessFunction

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
except ImportError as e:
    raise e

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Feature(pd.Series): """A feature of a dataset. :class:`.Feature` is an individual measurable property or characteristic of a phenomenon. It can be a list of numbers, strings with or without missing values. The length of a feature (missing values included) should be the number of instance in a dataset. """
[docs]class Features(pd.DataFrame): """A list of features. :class:`.Features` is a list of :class:`.Feature`. It can be represented as a matrix of numbers, strings, missing values, etc. """
[docs]class Target(pd.Series): """The target of a dataset. :class:`.Target` is whatever the output of the input variables. Typically, it is the variables a supervised model trying to learn to predict, either numerical or categorical. """
[docs]@dataclass class Dataset: """A dataset used to train a model or to let a model predict its target. A pair of :class:`.Target` and :class:`.Features`. For supervised case, to train or to score a model, use both of target and features; to predict only, use only the features. The length of target should be identical to the length of every feature of features, i.e., the number of instances. >>> dataset = Dataset( ... Target(np.random.randint(2, size=3)), ... Features(np.random.random(size=(3, 4))) ... ) >>> dataset.nrows 3 >>> dataset.ncols 4 >>> bad_dataset = Dataset( ... Target(np.random.randint(2, size=2)), ... Features(np.random.random(size=(3, 4))) ... ) >>> bad_dataset.nrows Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: rows of target and that of features should be the same """ target: Target """The target of the dataset.""" features: Features """The features of the dataset.""" @property def nrows(self): """Number of rows/instances.""" if[0] != self.features.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "rows of target and that of features should be the same") return[0] @property def ncols(self): """Number of columns/features.""" return self.features.shape[1]
[docs]class Model: """A base model class to be trained and to predict target based on a dataset. Before calling :meth:`.Model.train`, the model is untrained and should not be used to predict. After that, :meth:`.Model.predict` can be called to predict the :class:`.Target` of :class:`.Features`. """
[docs] def train(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Model: """Train a model. Use ``self`` as a base model to train on ``dataset`` for a trained model. *Should be overridden by subclass for implementation.* >>> Model().train(Dataset( ... Target(np.random.randint(2, size=3)), ... Features(np.random.random(size=(3, 4))) ... )) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError Args: dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): dataset to be trained on. Returns: A trained :class:`.Model`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def predict(self, features: Features) -> Target: """Predict the target. Model returned from :meth:`.Model.train` can predict for :class:`.Target` on a given :class:`.Features`. *Should be overridden by subclass for implementation.* >>> Model().predict(Features(np.random.random(size=(3, 4)))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError Args: features (:class:`.Features`): used to predicted :class:`.Target`. Returns: The prediction of :class:`.Target`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SklearnModel(Model): """A wrapper for ``sklearn`` models. >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression >>> model = SklearnModel(LinearRegression()) >>> target = Target([1, 2, 3]) >>> features = Features([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]) >>> model = model.train(Dataset(target, features)) >>> model.predict(features + 1) 0 1.25 1 2.25 2 3.25 dtype: float64 """ def __init__(self, model): """ Args: model (``sklearn`` model): """ self._model = model
[docs] def train(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Model: """Train a model. Use ``self`` as a base model to train on ``dataset`` for a trained model. Typically the ``fit`` method of the ``sklearn`` model is used. Args: dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): dataset to be trained on. Returns: A trained :class:`.Model`. """ model =, return SklearnModel(model)
[docs] def predict(self, features: Features) -> Target: """Predict the target. Model returned from :meth:`.Model.train` can predict for :class:`.Target` on a given :class:`.Features`. Typically the ``predict`` method of the ``sklearn`` model is used. Args: features (:class:`.Features`): used to predicted :class:`.Target`. Returns: The prediction of :class:`.Target`. """ return Target(self._model.predict(features))
[docs]class LoadData(NodeProcessFunction): """Load a dataset from an URL. URL can be a path. Data format can be ``SVMLIGHT``. Attributes: dformat (str): Data format. Valid options are ``SVMLIGHT``. .. todo:: More format are needed #. CSV #. HDF5 url (str): URL for the dataset. Should be a path or a url with the scheme `http`, `https` or `file`. .. todo:: More types are needed #. sklearn data. target (str): The column of the dataset treated as a target. features (dict[int, str]): A mapping from 0-index of column to its name. This is useful when the dataset itself does not contain its own column names, for example, ``svmlight`` format. """ def __init__(self, dformat: str, url: str, target: str, features: Dict[int, str]): super().__init__() self.dformat = dformat self.url = url = target self.features = features
[docs] def main(self) -> Dataset: if self.dformat == "SVMLIGHT": parsed_url = urllib3.util.parse_url(self.url) from sklearn import datasets if parsed_url.scheme in ('http', 'https'): r = requests.get(self.url) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix=os.path.basename( parsed_url.path)) as tmp: tmp.write(r.content) tmp.flush() features, target, *_ = datasets.load_svmlight_file( elif parsed_url.scheme in (None, 'file'): features, target, *_ = datasets.load_svmlight_file( parsed_url.path) else: raise ValueError(f'scheme "{parsed_url.scheme}" cannot be ' f'recognized in {self.url}') else: raise ValueError( f'data format "{self.dformat}" cannot be recognized') features = (pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix( features).loc[:, self.features.keys()].rename(columns=self.features)) target = pd.Series(target, return Dataset(Target(target), Features(features))
[docs]class FilterRows(NodeProcessFunction): """Filter rows of :class:`.Dataset`. Filter rows of dataset by the value of its :class:`.Target`. Attributes: filter_by (dict[str, Any]): Indicate to filter by which column with what values. Typical usage is to filter ``TARGET`` with a list of values. For example, ``filter_by={"TARGET": [1, 2]}`` filters the target column to only contains 1 or 2. """ def __init__(self, filter_by: Dict[str, Any]): super().__init__() self.filter_by = filter_by
[docs] def main(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Dataset: """ Args: dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): the dataset to be filtered. Returns: A filtered dataset. """ idx = for filter_key, filter_val in self.filter_by.items(): if filter_key == "TARGET": idx = idx.intersection([]) else: raise ValueError( f'filter key "{filter_key}" cannot be recognized') =[idx] dataset.features = dataset.features.loc[idx] return dataset
[docs]class SamplingRows(NodeProcessFunction): """Sampling rows of a dataset. This method samples a dataset to a specific number of rows or to a ratio. Attributes: number (`int`) : Sampled dataset will have this many rows. Suppressed by `ratio`. ratio (`float`, default `1.0` if `number` is not set) : Sampled dataset will have `ratio * dataset.nrows` rows. Suppressing `number`. stratified (`bool`, default `False`) : If `True`, the dataset will be sampled using a stratified manner. That is, there will be same number of rows for each category of the dataset target, if possible. replace (`bool`, default `False`) : If `True`, the dataset will be sampled with replacement and a row may be selected multiple times. Will raise an exception if `replace` is set to `False` and `number` larger than `dataset.nrows` or `ratio` larger than `1`. random_seed (`None` or `int`, default `None`) : Random seed used to sample the dataset. It is used to set `numpy.random.BitGenerator`. See `Numpy Documentation <>`_ for more information. return_rest (`bool`, default `False`) : If `False`, only the sampled dataset is returned. If `True`, this method will return a dictionary of two datasets, .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python { 'sampled': sampled_dataset, 'rest': rest_dataset, } `rest_dataset` contains all rows not in `sampled_dataset`. .. note:: Even if `sampled_dataset` is sampled with replacement, `rest_dataset` does not contain duplicated rows. """ def __init__( self, number: int = MISSING, ratio: float = MISSING, stratified: bool = False, replace: bool = False, random_seed: Union[None, int] = None, return_rest: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.number = number self.ratio = ratio self.stratified = stratified self.replace = replace self._rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) self.return_rest = return_rest if self.ratio is MISSING and self.number is MISSING: self.ratio = 1.0 def _get_number_each(self, value_counts: pd.Series, ttl_number: int): if self.replace or ttl_number // value_counts.shape[ 0] <= value_counts.min(): number_each = (pd.Series(0, index=value_counts.index) + ttl_number // value_counts.shape[0]) categories = number_each.index.to_numpy(copy=True) self._rng.shuffle(categories) residual = ttl_number - number_each.sum() number_each += pd.Series({ cat: 1 if i < residual else 0 for i, cat in enumerate(categories) }) else: number_each = pd.Series(value_counts.min(), index=value_counts.index) residual = self._get_number_each( value_counts.drop(labels=value_counts.idxmin()) - value_counts.min(), ttl_number - np.sum(number_each), ) number_each += ( residual + pd.Series(0, index=number_each.index)).fillna(0).astype(int) return number_each
[docs] def main(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Union[Dataset, Dict[str, Dataset]]: """ Args: dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): the dataset to be sampled. Returns: A sampled dataset or a dictionary of the `sampled` dataset and the `rest` dataset. """ ttl_number = (int(self.ratio * dataset.nrows) if self.ratio is not MISSING else self.number) if not self.replace and ttl_number > dataset.nrows: raise ValueError( "sampling number should at most the same size as the " "dataset " 'when "replace" is set False') if self.stratified: value_counts = number_each = self._get_number_each(value_counts, ttl_number) selected_idx = [] for cat, idx in selected_idx.append( self._rng.choice(idx, number_each[cat], replace=self.replace)) selected_idx = np.concatenate(selected_idx) imap = {idx: i for i, idx in enumerate(} selected_idx = np.array(sorted(selected_idx, key=imap.__getitem__)) new_target =[selected_idx] else: new_target = n=ttl_number, replace=self.replace, random_state=self._rng.bit_generator) new_features = dataset.features.loc[new_target.index] if self.return_rest: rest_index = rest_target =[rest_index] rest_features = dataset.features.loc[rest_index] return { "sampled": Dataset(Target(new_target), Features(new_features)), "rest": Dataset(Target(rest_target), Features(rest_features)), } return Dataset(Target(new_target), Features(new_features))
[docs]class MakeDataset(NodeProcessFunction): """Make a dataset using `target` and `features`."""
[docs] def main(self, target: Target, features: Features) -> Dataset: """ Args: target (:class:`.Target`): the input target. features (:class:`.Features`): the input features. Returns: A `dataset` consisted of `target` and `features`. """ return Dataset(target, features)
[docs]class GetTarget(NodeProcessFunction): """Get `target` from a `dataset`."""
[docs] def main(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Target: """ Args: dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): get `target` from this `dataset`. Returns: The `target` of the `dataset`. """ return
[docs]class GetFeature(NodeProcessFunction): """Get `feature` from a `dataset` with a given name. Attributes: feature (str): This `feature` will be retrieved from the `dataset`. """ def __init__(self, feature: str): super().__init__() self.feature = feature
[docs] def main(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Feature: """ Args: dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): get `feature` from this `dataset`. Returns: The `feature` with the given name of the `dataset`. """ return Feature(dataset.features.loc[:, self.feature])
[docs]class MergeFeatures(NodeProcessFunction): """Merge a list of `feature` to `features`."""
[docs] def main(self, *features: Feature) -> Features: """ Args: *features (list of :class:`.Feature`): list of feature to be merged. Returns: A :class:`.Features` object contains the list `features`. """ return Features(pd.concat([pd.Series(f) for f in features], axis=1))
def _is_number(n): return pd.api.types.is_number(n) def _get_max(arr): if pd.api.types.is_sparse(arr): if arr.sparse.sp_values.shape[0] < arr.shape[0]: return max(arr.sparse.fill_value, np.max(arr.sparse.sp_values)) return np.max(arr.sparse.sp_values) return np.max(arr) def _get_min(arr): if pd.api.types.is_sparse(arr): if arr.sparse.sp_values.shape[0] < arr.shape[0]: return min(arr.sparse.fill_value, np.min(arr.sparse.sp_values)) return np.min(arr.sparse.sp_values) return np.min(arr)
[docs]class LinearNormalize(NodeProcessFunction): """Perform linear normalization of a 1d array. Linearly maps the given array from range ``(u1, l1)`` to ``(u2, l2)``. Attributes: upper (`dict` of ``FROM`` and ``TO``, default both ``MAX``): Sets ``u1=upper["FROM"]`` and ``u2=upper["TO"]``. ``u*`` should be a number or a string, ``MAX`` or ``MIN``. ``MAX`` means the maximum of the array, and ``MIN`` means the minimum of the array. lower (`dict` of ``FROM`` and ``TO``, default both ``MIN``): Sets ``l1=lower["FROM"]`` and ``l2=lower["TO"]``. ``l*`` should be a number or a string, ``MAX`` or ``MIN``. ``MAX`` means the maximum of the array, and ``MIN`` means the minimum of the array. """ def __init__(self, upper: Dict[str, Any] = None, lower: Dict[str, Any] = None): super().__init__() self.upper = {"FROM": "MAX", "TO": "MAX"} self.upper.update({} if upper is None else upper) self.lower = {"FROM": "MIN", "TO": "MIN"} self.lower.update({} if lower is None else lower) @staticmethod def _compile_limit(cmd, arr1d): if isinstance(cmd, str): if cmd == "MAX": return _get_max(arr1d) if cmd == "MIN": return _get_min(arr1d) raise ValueError(f'command "{cmd}" cannot be recognized') if _is_number(cmd): return cmd raise ValueError(f'Expecting str or number, got {type(cmd).__name__}')
[docs] def main(self, arr1d: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: hifrom = self._compile_limit(self.upper.pop("FROM"), arr1d) hito = self._compile_limit(self.upper.pop("TO"), arr1d) lofrom = self._compile_limit(self.lower.pop("FROM"), arr1d) loto = self._compile_limit(self.lower.pop("TO"), arr1d) if hifrom == lofrom: if hito == loto: return arr1d raise ValueError(f'Cannot map a single value ({hifrom}) to ' f'a different values ({hito}, {loto})') return arr1d * (hito - loto) / (hifrom - lofrom) + loto
[docs]class MakeModel(NodeProcessFunction): """Make an untrained model. Attributes: method (str) : the model will use this method to train. Options are ``XGBOOST_REGRESSOR``, ``XGBOOST_CLASSIFIER``. """ def __init__(self, method): super().__init__() self.method = method @staticmethod def _after_assign_params_routine(_from, _to): for k, v in list(_to.items()): if v is MISSING: del _to[k] warn_left_keys(_from)
[docs] def main(self, model_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Model: """ Args: model_params (dict): The parameters to create the model. Based on the `method`, different parameters can be set. * ``XGBOOST_REGRESSOR``: See more details in `XGBoost documentation <>`_ * ``learning_rate`` * ``max_depth`` * ``n_estimators`` * ``XGBOOST_CLASSIFIER``: See more details in `XGBoost documentation <>`_ * ``learning_rate`` * ``max_depth`` * ``n_estimators`` * ``SKLEARN_GRADIENT_BOOSTING_CLASSIFIER``: See more details in `Scikit Learn documentation <>`_ * ``learning_rate`` * ``max_depth`` * ``n_estimators`` Returns: An untrained :class:`.Model`. """ if self.method == "XGBOOST_REGRESSOR": import xgboost _model_params = { "learning_rate": model_params.pop("LEARNING_RATE", MISSING), "max_depth": model_params.pop("MAX_DEPTH", MISSING), "n_estimators": model_params.pop("N_ESTIMATORS", MISSING), } self._after_assign_params_routine(model_params, _model_params) return SklearnModel( xgboost.XGBRegressor(**_model_params, use_label_encoder=True)) if self.method == "XGBOOST_CLASSIFIER": import xgboost _model_params = { "learning_rate": model_params.pop("LEARNING_RATE", MISSING), "max_depth": model_params.pop("MAX_DEPTH", MISSING), "n_estimators": model_params.pop("N_ESTIMATORS", MISSING), } self._after_assign_params_routine(model_params, _model_params) return SklearnModel( xgboost.XGBClassifier(**_model_params, use_label_encoder=True)) if self.method == "SKLEARN_GRADIENT_BOOSTING_CLASSIFIER": from sklearn import ensemble _model_params = { "learning_rate": model_params.pop("LEARNING_RATE", MISSING), "max_depth": model_params.pop("MAX_DEPTH", MISSING), "n_estimators": model_params.pop("N_ESTIMATORS", MISSING), } self._after_assign_params_routine(model_params, _model_params) return SklearnModel( ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier(**_model_params)) raise ValueError(f'method "{self.method}" cannot be recognized')
[docs]class Train(NodeProcessFunction): """Train a model."""
[docs] def main(self, model: Model, dataset: Dataset) -> Model: """ Args: model (:class:`.Model`): The model to be trained. dataset (:class:`.Dataset`): The dataset to be trained on. Returns: A trained :class:`.Model`. """ model = model.train(dataset) return model
[docs]class Predict(NodeProcessFunction): """Predict a target."""
[docs] def main(self, model: Model, features: Features) -> Target: """ Args: model (:class:`.Model`): The prediction is from this model. features (:class:`.Features`): The features used for prediction. Returns: A :class:`.Target` based on the `model` and `features`. The length of the `target` is identical to the number of rows of the `features`. """ return model.predict(features)
[docs]class ParameterSearch(NodeProcessFunction): """Random search the model parameters. See more in :class:`utensil.random_search`. Attributes: init_state (int, default 0) seed (int, default 0) search_map (dict, default `None`) """ def __init__(self, init_state=0, seed: int = 0, search_map: Dict = None): super().__init__() from utensil import random_search self.state = init_state self._nr_randomized_params = 0 self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._seed_gen = self._generate_seed() self._search_map = {} search_map = {} if search_map is None else search_map for param_name, search_method in search_map.items(): if isinstance(search_method, dict): if len(search_method) != 1: raise ValueError search_type, search_option = search_method.popitem() self._search_map[param_name] = ( random_search.RandomizedParam.create_randomized_param( search_type, search_option)) self._nr_randomized_params += 1 else: self._search_map[param_name] = search_method def _random_between(self, a, b, **kwargs): return self._rng.random(**kwargs) * (b - a) + a def _generate_seed(self): rand_space = [] while True: base = 2**int(np.log2(self.state + 1)) offset = self.state + 1 - base if offset == 0 or len(rand_space) == 0: linspace = np.linspace(0, 1, base + 1) rand_space = np.array([ self._random_between( linspace[i], linspace[i + 1], size=self._nr_randomized_params, ) for i in range(base) ]) for i in range(self._nr_randomized_params): self._rng.shuffle(rand_space[:, i]) model_r = tuple(rand_space[offset]) yield self.state, model_r self.state += 1
[docs] def main(self): """ Returns: Next randomly generated parameters. """ from utensil import random_search state, r_list = next(self._seed_gen) if len(r_list) != self._nr_randomized_params: raise ValueError r = iter(r_list) params = {} for k, v in self._search_map.items(): if isinstance(v, random_search.RandomizedParam): params[k] = v.from_random(next(r)) else: params[k] = v return params
[docs]class Score(NodeProcessFunction): """Calculate scores of a model, based on its prediction and a ground truth. Attributes: dataset (str): The name of the dataset. It is used to generate an informative output. methods (str or list of str): The method or a list of methods to score a model. Options are ``ACCURACY``. """ def __init__(self, dataset: str = MISSING, methods: Union[str, List[str]] = None): super().__init__() self.dataset_name = dataset self.methods = [] if methods is None else methods if isinstance(self.methods, str): self.methods = [self.methods]
[docs] def main( self, prediction: Union[Target, Features, Dataset], ground_truth: Union[Target, Dataset], model: Model, ): """ Args: prediction (`target`, `features` or `dataset`): If `prediction` is :class:`.Target`, it will be directly used to calculate the score without using the `model`. If it is :class:`.Features`, `model` will make a prediction based on it. If it is :class:`.Dataset`, `model` will make a prediction based on its `features`. ground_truth (`target` or `dataset`): If `ground_truth` is a :class:`.Target`, it is directly compared to `prediction`. If `ground_truth` is a :class:`.Dataset`, its `target` is compared to `prediction`. model (:class:`.Model`): The `model` to be scored. .. note:: If `prediction` is :class:`.Target`, then the `model` is not used. Returns: A list of scoring results. A scoring result is consisted of two or three attributes, the scoring method name, the dataset name ( if provided), and the score. For example: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python # if dataset name is 'MNIST' [ ('ACCURACY', 'MNIST', 0.812641), ('FSCORE', 'MNIST', 0.713278), ] # if dataset name is not provided [ ('ACCURACY', 0.812641), ('FSCORE', 0.713278), ] """ if isinstance(prediction, Target): pass elif isinstance(prediction, Features): prediction = model.predict(prediction) elif isinstance(prediction, Dataset): prediction = model.predict(prediction.features) else: raise TypeError if isinstance(ground_truth, Target): pass elif isinstance(ground_truth, Dataset): ground_truth = else: raise TypeError def wrap_output(_method, _score): if self.dataset_name is MISSING: return _method, _score return _method, self.dataset_name, _score ret = [] for method in self.methods: if method == "ACCURACY": ret.append( wrap_output( method, np.sum(prediction.values == ground_truth.values) / prediction.shape[0], )) return ret
[docs]class ChangeTypeTo(NodeProcessFunction): """Change the type of a given `arr`. Attributes: to_type (str): The `arr` will be this type. Options are ``INTEGER``, ``FLOAT``. """ def __init__(self, to_type: str): super().__init__() if to_type == "INTEGER": self.to_type = int elif to_type == "FLOAT": self.to_type = float else: raise RuntimeError("E22")
[docs] def main(self, arr: Union[Feature, Target]): """ Args: arr (:class:`.Feature` or :class:`.Target`): The type of this will be changed. Returns: The `arr` with type changed to `to_type`. """ return arr.astype(self.to_type)