from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import hashlib
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union
from utensil.general.logger import DUMMY_LOGGER
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
except ImportError as e:
raise e
[docs]class RandomizedParam(abc.ABC):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def from_random(self, r):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod
def create_randomized_param(cls, param_type, options) -> RandomizedParam:
if param_type == "EXPONENTIAL_BETWEEN":
_option = {
"left": options.pop("LEFT"),
"right": options.pop("RIGHT"),
"otype": options.pop("TYPE", float),
if _option["otype"] == "INTEGER":
_option["otype"] = int
elif _option["otype"] == "FLOAT":
_option["otype"] = float
return ExponentialBetweenParam(**_option)
if param_type == "UNIFORM_BETWEEN":
_option = {
"left": options.pop("LEFT"),
"right": options.pop("RIGHT"),
"otype": options.pop("TYPE", float),
if _option["otype"] == "INTEGER":
_option["otype"] = int
elif _option["otype"] == "FLOAT":
_option["otype"] = float
return UniformBetweenParam(**_option)
raise ValueError
class BooleanParam(RandomizedParam):
[docs] def from_random(self, r):
return r > 0.5
class ExponentialBetweenParam(RandomizedParam):
left: Any
right: Any
otype: type
[docs] def from_random(self, r):
log_right = np.log(self.right)
log_left = np.log(self.left)
return self.otype(np.exp(r * (log_right - log_left) + log_left))
class RandomizedChoices(RandomizedParam):
choice: Tuple[Enum]
def __init__(self, *args: Enum):
self.choice = args
[docs] def from_random(self, r):
nr_choices = len(self.choice)
return list(self.choice)[-1 if r == 1 else int(r * nr_choices)]
class RandomizedDispatcher:
key_names: Union[str, Tuple[str]]
dispatch: Dict[Any, RandomizedConfig]
[docs]class RandomizedConfig(abc.ABC):
[docs] def get_config(self,
seed=0) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], RandomizedConfig]:
kwargs = {}
dispatchers = {}
params = {}
model_r = {}
for k, v in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(v, RandomizedParam):
params[k] = v
elif isinstance(v, RandomizedDispatcher):
dispatchers[k] = v
kwargs[k] = v
kwargs[k] = v
model_r[k] = None
base = 2**int(np.log2(model_id + 1))
offset = model_id + 1 - base
sd = int.from_bytes(
hashlib.sha256(str(seed + base).encode()).digest()[:4], "big")
rng = np.random.default_rng(sd)
linspace = np.linspace(0, 1, base + 1)
rand_space = rng.random(size=(base, len(params))) * (
linspace[1] - linspace[0]) + linspace[:-1].reshape(-1, 1)
for i in range(len(params)):
rng.shuffle(rand_space[:, i])
for (k, v), r in zip(params.items(), rand_space[offset]):
model_r[k] = r
kwargs[k] = v.from_random(r)
model_c = self.__class__(**kwargs)
for var_name, dispatcher in dispatchers.items():
if isinstance(dispatcher.key_names, str):
key = vars(model_c)[dispatcher.key_names]
key = tuple(vars(model_c)[kn] for kn in dispatcher.key_names)
r, vars(model_c)[var_name] = dispatcher.dispatch[key].get_config(
model_id, seed=seed)
model_r[var_name] = r
return model_r, model_c
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
d = {}
for k, v in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(v, RandomizedConfig):
d[k] = v.to_dict()
d[k] = v
return d
[docs] def to_plain_dict(self, sep=":") -> Dict[str, Any]:
d = {}
for k, v in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(v, RandomizedConfig):
for vk, vv in v.to_plain_dict().items():
d[f"{k}{sep}{vk}"] = vv
d[k] = v
return d
class SeededConfig:
cid: int
base_seed: int
seed_r: Dict[str, Any]
config: RandomizedConfig
config_temp: RandomizedConfig
[docs] @classmethod
def from_config_template(cls, config_temp: RandomizedConfig, model_id: int,
seed: int):
seed_r, config = config_temp.get_config(model_id=model_id, seed=seed)
return cls(
ModelScore = namedtuple("ModelScore", ["model", "score"])
[docs]class RandomSearch(abc.ABC):
def __init__(self, logger=None):
self.logger = DUMMY_LOGGER if logger is None else logger
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def get_xy(self, tr_path, te_path) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def model_scores_to_csv(self, model_scores) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def do_training(self, sd_config: SeededConfig, train_x, train_y,
idx) -> ModelScore:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def train(self, tr_path, te_path, config_temp, model_id_range=None, seed=0):
if model_id_range is None:
model_id_range = range(10)
x, y = self.get_xy(tr_path, te_path)
te_x = x[y.isna()]
train_x = x[~y.isna()]
train_y = y[~y.isna()]
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
idx = np.arange(train_x.shape[0])
if not os.path.exists("submit"):
model_scores = {}
best_model = None
for mid in model_id_range:"model_id={mid}: initialize")
sd_config = SeededConfig.from_config_template(
config_temp=config_temp, model_id=mid, seed=seed)
model, score = None, None
model, score = self.do_training(sd_config, train_x, train_y,
except ValueError as train_error:
f"model_id={sd_config.cid}: "
f"invalid config for model_id={sd_config.cid}, seed={seed}"
)"model_id={sd_config.cid}: score={score}")
# record model_id, model_config and score
model_scores[sd_config.cid] = sd_config.config.to_plain_dict()
assert "score" not in model_scores[sd_config.cid]
model_scores[sd_config.cid]["score"] = score
# keep the best model
if score is not None and (best_model is None or
best_model[0] < score):
best_model = (score, deepcopy(model), sd_config)
# use the current best model to generate csv for submission
te_xpy = np.empty(shape=(te_x.shape[0], 2), dtype=int)
te_xpy[:, 0] = np.arange(te_x.shape[0]) + 1
te_xpy[:, 1] = best_model[1].predict(te_x)
submit_path = os.path.join(
f"{__name__}_{int(np.round(score * 1e5))}_"
pd.DataFrame(te_xpy, columns=["ImageId",
if best_model is not None:
f"model_id={sd_config.cid}: "
f"current best model_id={best_model[2].cid}, "
f"score={best_model[0]}, "
return best_model, model_scores